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Our Story

Gloria in excelsis Deo!
This is not a Christmas story, but the adventure began around Christmas of 2015. Eric had been feeling for several years what we call a quiet discontent. With a Masters in Architecture, Eric worked had at a local architecture firm since 2007. He had a good job, in a profession that he enjoyed. Still he felt that the Lord was inviting us to something else. While he was able to glorify God in the career path he was on, Eric felt a persistent desire to change course. We just had no idea toward what yet. It was during this time we read a book by Chirs Fabry. It was a series of reflections called At the Corner of Mundane and Grace. In the book Fabry muses on discovering God's provision and grace at the dusty corners of our lives. Often it can feel like our lives are not achieving the Great Commission because the part we are currently  playing does not seem so great, but if we are seeking the Lord's glory, no part is small, no matter how mundane. This book was a breath of fresh air for us. It was a gentle reminder that even in the most tiresome of days, God is at work in the background. If we are attentive, we will see Him. Sometimes even when we are not looking.
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While we felt a need. to seek a change in career path, we had no specific direction to head in and spent a season in waiting for the next clear sign. We explored many avenues, but doors were closed. As time wore on we came to sense that whatever came next Eric's training in architecture would be utilized in some way.

It was during this time Eric was asked to be involved in, and eventually lead, the Master Planning and Building Committees at church. Through the process of assisting our home church plan, design, and construct a new children's education and youth assembly facility, the Lord revealed a desire to assist His Church with planning and design. Eric began to see the need for professionals to come along side the Church and assist in areas they have limited knowledge and experience in.
Shortly before Christmas of 2015, we were driving back home from Dallas. During this conversation the topic turned toward the future. We began talking about ministry opportunities. It was during this drive that Eric stated that he believed the Lord was calling us to serve with TECH Team Advantage.

In June of 2017, after much prayer, discussion, and earnest doubts, the Lord opened the door for us to join TECH Team Advantage as full time staff in Facility Solutions. Eric is excited to use his architecture training and planning experience to serve the church in the USA and around the world. Through work of TECH lives are changed by the Good News. The need is great and we are excited to be a part of the Team. We would ask for your prayers as we continue this journey. We would also ask that you seek the Lord as to how you might help us financially and prayerfully along the way.


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