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  • Writer's pictureEric

3 O'Clock Parade

For our 1st anniversary, Eric and I went to Disney World with some friends. We had a fantastic time. I had never been and Eric had been to Disneyland. We were both impressed by the experience.

One of our favorite parts (aside from our friends) was the fireworks and parades. Including a parade that started at 3 o'clock. Everyday. They might have an actual name or had a better reason of which I am unaware, but I actually love the idea of celebrating the everyday.

Once we came home, we started referring to a mid-afternoon treat as our 3 o'clock parade. This became especially appropriate once our kids were born and they joined me as we would occasionally take Eric a drink from Sonic. We would March into Eric's office, become a distraction for about 15 minutes, and then go home and wait for him to get off of work.

So we decided to help mark Eric's first day of work with a 3 o'clock parade. Just a way to celebrate our new normal. A way to invite the kids into this project. And a way to remember all we have to be thankful for.

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