World Outreach Weekend - or WOW as it is often called - was an amazing time of fellowship and sharing. We had multiple opportunities to share with the congregants of our sending church about the work and ministry of Missionary TECH Team. While there is much we could share, there are two events we are going to highlight.
Katie had the opportunity to share with the women at the annual Saturday brunch. While she took the opportunity to speak on her role in the ministry of TECH, the focus was on other ministry opportunities God has brought to her. She was able to share from her heart about her passion for MOPS, and also how the ministry of the everyday normal is sometimes the hardest to engage. Yet no matter where we find ourselves, God can bring glory out of the usual and mundane. Katie was glad for the opportunity to share and she hopes it was a blessing to those who were present.

We also had the opportunity to share with Sparks and TNT in Awana. This group spans from Kindergarten to 5th grade and was a fun group to be with! We hope they had as much fun as we did. We focused the talk on Galatians 6:9 and how we all sometimes grow weary in doing good. We tied this to how TECH helps other ministries not grow weary through the services we provide. God has used the skills we have to form an unconventional ministry. We concluded by challenging them that God can use almost any skill or passion to His glory.
Over the course of the weekend we also had the opportunity to share with a fantastic group of men and women during Sunday morning Life Group (Sunday school), as well as other planned and unplanned activities. Overall it was a great weekend and we are thankful for the Missions Committee for hosting the event and to all of you for praying over us.