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  • Writer's pictureEric

Jumping In

This is the second summer Liam has taken swim lessons. Honestly, I was disappointed last year when he couldn't swim at the end of the session. But he was much more confident in the water and had improved some.

Liam so enjoyed swim lessons that he has asked ALL YEAR​ about when he can go back.

So when we signed him up again this year, I tried not to have too many expectations. But to my surprise and delight, Liam remembered nearly everything from last year! He began swimming and has improved greatly! He is swimming!

And this reminds me that even when the effort feels like it returned empty- that is not usually the truth. Sometimes starting over produces different results. 

This year feels like a big year for beginnings with Ranen's birth and Eric starting at TECH. Even if it isn't quite the same as starting over, it was the whispered reminder I needed today.

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