Camping ministries have a special place in my heart. For many of my formative years I spent multiple weeks a year in and around camps. In my experience, God meets His children in unique and powerful ways as we fellowship with others and spend time alone with Him in His creation. As part of my time with TECH I am excited about the opportunity to work with camping ministries around the country.
One such ministry is Daniel Springs Camp. TECH served with this ministry two years ago to form a master plan. While the project has been inactive at TECH for those two years, the camp has begun implementing portions of the master plan. In November they contacted us to discuss a short fuse project for concept drawings of an interior renovation of an existing building.

The concept they were considering was to renovate an existing large group cabin into a small conference center. They needed drawings to present to potential donors. As the drawings developed over the course of the week, it became clear to me that a basic line drawing floor plan would not provide the impact they were looking for.

The solution was for me to import the plan into SketchUp. This is an effective and quick 3D modeling tool that allows us to model a space to convey the design in ways that a flat, 2D drawing cannot.
These concept drawings are just a start. The camp has reengaged TECH to revisit the Master Plan and further develop the concept for immediate implementation. Our prayer is that the facilities we develop for Daniel Springs will provide a place for God's children to meet with Him, to experience His love away from the busy and hectic pace of the everyday.