Every summer, we take a trip to visit ministry financial and prayer partners, TECH project sites, and to meet new people. Along the way, we visit with family, make connections, and have some fun in between. Over the next couple weeks we will post several blogs in which we will tell you a little about our trip in a series of snapshots.
This first snapshot is strictly of the stats from the trip this year:
Days away from home: 29
Miles traveled: 3,982
States visited: 9
State license plates found: 46 (including Washington DC)
Library books read: 56
Hotel rooms slept in: 3
Pools swam in: 3
Whales crocheted: 19
None of our trips can be measured by these kinds of numbers. At the same time, these are a fun way to quickly recap some of what happened. We hope you enjoy these next few posts. They will quick- like a snapshot!